About Preset Galaxy

When it’s the moment for inspiration to strike, there are two courses you can chart to find new sounds and sonic atmospheres for your compositions. You can get a new instrument. Or…you can get a new preset for your instrument. Sort of like with spaceships. When you’re ready to visit another planet, you can get a new spaceship, but maybe you just need to patch up and refuel the one you already have. 🚀

Welcome to Preset Galaxy, the thrilling new destination for finding and sharing presets for all your favorite software synthesizers and samplers.

We want you to have the most fun working on your musical creations, so we’ve engineered Preset Galaxy to be very simple to operate. Simply search for the plugins you use or hashtags for the type of sound you’re looking for (#leads vs. #pads for example), and you can find preset banks from creators across space and time. Listen to sound clips and download a bank to try out—or even download individual presets! (Not supported by all formats.)

Additionally you can share your feedback on banks and get notified when your favorite creators publish new presets. Do you like making presets yourself? Excellent! Sign up as a creator for free, and bring your piece to the galaxy.

The Preset Galaxy community on Discord is a great place to get help, discuss how you use or make your cosmic sounds, and meet other galactic explorers. We strive to offer a safe and welcoming space where you can get the most from your Preset Galaxy experience.


Greg Schlaepfer  Navigator

Known as the developer behind Orange Tree Samples’ vast array of virtual instruments, Greg Schlaepfer also operates as the navigator of the good ship Preset Galaxy. His chief duty is staying on course of the vision to unite the fragmented universe of plugin presets, while steering clear of any black holes and fending off the occasional band of marauders. Oh, and keeping the vessel fueled, too.

When it comes to his own fuel, Greg prefers a peculiar beverage from planet Terra concocted by crushing the toasted beans of woody evergreen plants, and then forcing scaldingly hot pressurized water through them. It’s a complicated process, but the delicious black liquid it yields is well worth the effort.

Whenever Greg takes his shore leave in sunny northern California, he enjoys spending time with his beloved wife, two darling children, and their feline menagerie.

Jared White  Science Officer

Jared hails from the increasingly solarpunk city of Portland, Oregon, Planet Earth. When he’s not propelling around home base via his personal transportation device or designing holographic simulations for the interplanetary network, he’s ensuring all self-sealing stem bolts are properly in place for Preset Galaxy’s infrastructure.

Jared also enjoys producing musical data crystals using the designation Yarred. His prefered communications channel is located in the Fediverse: @jaredwhite@indieweb.social. (Just don’t ask him about what happened at the Eggomobile Convention on Arcturus IV. The subject is…delicate.)

Logo and character design by Papernoise Design.